Mission and Beliefs

The Mission of Reformation Reading

Welcome to Reformation Reading, a blog equipping ordinary Christians to read and reflect on books that magnify the biblical truths recovered during the Protestant Reformation. Each article is dedicated to grow Christians to have their lives transformed through the renewal of the mind (Romans 12:1-2). 

Core Values

Reformed Theology

Reformation Reading submits to write everything under the authority of God's inspired and inerrant Word as summarised in the Westminster Confession of Faith. Reformation Reading acknowledges that historic confessions are fallible, yet nevertheless affirms the benefit of learning from these great minds from the past who have precisely articulated the content of biblical truth with a great degree of accuracy. 

Christian Nurture

Reformation Reading seeks to cultivate the conditions to nurture your Christian maturity toward Christlikeness. By delineating the central importance of sound doctrine, it would be utterly foolish to ignore the godliness which accords with this knowledge of the truth. Being renewed by God's Word must necessarily lead to a transformed life beyond the mind.

Lucid Accessibility

Reformation Reading strives to be lucid in its language to communicate the truths of Reformed Theology with minimal confusion. In conjunction with doctrinal clarity and Christian nurture, stylistic beauty is of utmost importance as it accentuates the depth and grandeur of these truths that move us toward holy adoration.

Holy Adoration 

Reformation Reading serves to help people glorify God and enjoy him forever by adoring our Holy God. When reading and contemplating the heavenliness of the doctrine in a manner that is clear and accessible, what other response is there but awe?

The Theology of Reformation Reading

I am...

  • Christian: I am a follower of Jesus Christ.
  • Protestant: I affirm the five "solas" of the historic Protestant Reformation.
  • Reformed: I affirm the Westminster Confessions of Faith.
    • Calvinistic: I affirm the doctrines of grace summarised in the acronym TULIP.
    • Covenantal: I affirm that the unifying framework to interpret the bible is through the lens of covenant. 
  • Work in Progress: I believe in the necessity of a continual reformation. The Protestant Reformation and subsequent confessions are by no means perfect. Therefore, my conscious is captive by the Word of God, not bounds by even my own denominational affiliation.


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