My Story

Brief Biography

My name is Koh Saito, and I am studying English and History with a Bachelors degree of secondary education at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). In addition to being a student, I review books and teach Christianity part time in various primary schools in Sydney, Australia. I enjoy reading and thinking about theology, but my interests also extend to philosophy, literature, politics, psychology, and history. 

Furthermore, I worship and serve at a local Reformed-evangelical church in Sydney, as well as serving as the president of a university ministry called Student Outreach to the World (SOW) at UNSW. 

Finally, you can connect with me on my Instagram @Reformation_Reading

My Story

Reading and writing has not always been my passion; to the contrary, I severely disliked all things related to English literature. I had read less than a handful of books between the age of 7 and 16; however, by God's providence in my lifeI have come to love reading, thinking, and writing about the deep riches of theology in God's inerrant word.

In 2017, I had an English teacher in high school who ignited my desire to analyse classics such as George Orwell's 1984 and T. S. Eliot's eloquent poetry. At around the same time, I read through the bible from cover to cover for the first time and read my first Christian book, Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis.

Over the next few years, I was introduced to Reformed Theology through good books by John Piper, John Stott, Augustine, Timothy Keller, and Jonathan Edwards. God also used lectures on systematic theology by Ligon Duncan and Sinclair Ferguson, as well as sermons from renowned preachers such as Paul Washer and Voddie Baucham to instil a deep desire to think and experience the sweetness of the gospel. 

Above all these influences, God providentially used R. C. Sproul to shape the trajectory of Reformation Reading. The passion that R. C. Sproul had to proclaim God's holiness and to teach Reformed Theology to ordinary Christians is at the heart Reformation Reading. Thus, the goal of this writing ministry is to provide accessible and thoughtful reflections to engage with contemporary Christian literature through the lens of Reformed Theology. 

As for the direction of this blog, I am aiming to post one 800-1200 word book review each month (alongside an abridged 500 word book review on the Australian Presbyterian, Reformers Bookshop Blog or Catechesis). Moreover, I intend to publish a few additional articles on Christian living or classical literature throughout the year to supplement my regular reviews. My prayer is that this blog will accentuate the biblical faith recovered in the time of the Reformation through reading and engaging with contemporary Christian literature to the glory of God alone. 


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